Every Small Victory Matters | Newsletter
Life can be exhausting, specially if you deeply care about what’s going on here in Melbourne, and around the world. Having high levels of empathy can be a blessing and a heavy burden for some of us.
In these days, I have a few close friends of mine going through very difficult family situations, and I am as emotionally invested as I know they would be, if I was the one in their shoes right now.
For this May edition, I have decided to celebrate four wins, because I believe that every small victory matters, and most importantly, because I believe that life and joy is worthwhile celebrating amongst all.
A few months ago, I wrote about losing my Spanish citizenship and how this unfortunate event shook me emotionally, right in the middle of a global pandemic where traveling across continents, feels like a nostalgic dream from the past. After eight months, I finally recovered it, and I’m now in the process of re-obtaining my EU passport.
Australia is still closed for international traveling, unless you leave the island for over a three-month period, so shortly I’m hoping to be in a position where I can travel back home if my family need me.
A few days ago, my friend Adam Sughito celebrated his company’s 10th Anniversary under the theme “What can you do in ten?” Adam and I met each other over a decade ago, and he has been the reason why I started writing these email newsletters in the first place, so THANK YOU very much for your wise advice Adam.
As part of Intentional’s birthday celebration, Adam invited me to be a panelist alongside Daniel Flynn from Thank You. Basically, I summarised my last 10 years as an Independent designer in 10 minutes under the title “Good Shit Takes Time”. If you have been traveling with me for a while, you’ll know that I spent two years working on personal project called “The Shit Series”, so the topic is pretty familiar to me.
On May 21, Intentional hosted their virtual event and you can watch it here. I have decided to share my presentation publicly, for anyone who’d find it useful. Additionally, I offered a Birthday Giveaway which you can access for free here.
A couple of months ago, Rotson Studios celebrated its seventh birthday. I can’t believe it’s been such a long time since Robert Tickner and I opened this creative space, and I have to say that it has been one of the proudest ventures up to date!
March 2021 marked one year since the beginning of the Pandemic, and I’m happy to share that our studio is full, housing twenty creatives whose work you should definitely check out:
petertarasiuk.com, teaganglenane.com, madevisual.com.au, knowstudio.com, spadeandarrow.com.au, sharrock.desig, mariamontes.net, socialspace.com.au, jessevogelaar.com, gxspxr.com, rohanporteous.com, johncitizen.net, jeffthepeff.com, oakandink.com, amarywiggin.com, tareknagy.com, either-either.com, lanning.work, frawleydesign.com.au, lucycawood.net

On April 30, my Green Fairy Font turned three years old! And to celebrate it I have applied a 30% discount available at My Fonts and on my online store. Promotion ends June 17, 2021.
Below, you’ll find one commercial project, my upcoming online and in-person calligraphy courses, and a list of resources to become a better creative and educator.
Wishing you and your family much health and love in these challenging times we are living.
Much love, Maria xx

Private Lettering Commission
The Magic Begins From Within is a private commission for Glenn Joseph Fusfield, the president and CEO of One Spa World after twenty-one years of trajectory.
Art Direction: Andrew Thomas from Inaria Luxury Group
Client: One Spa World
Dimensions: 71 x 97 cm

Live Online Calligraphy Courses
My live online calligraphy courses run in a webinar format via Zoom. I record each session and you are able to review the videos later on, and for those of you living in a different time zone.
I am offering 1 spot on all my online courses for a BIPOC student at a heavily discounted price.
Live online Intro to Copperplate
Sundays 20, 27 June and 4, 11 July
From 9.30am to 11.30am, AEDT / GMT+10
Live online Intro to Neuland
Sundays 1, 8 and 15 August 2021
From 9.30am to 11.30am, AEDT / GMT+10

In-Person Calligraphy Workshops
These are my next in-person calligraphy workshops at Rotson Studios in Melbourne.
Introduction to Copperplate calligraphy
Saturday August 7
Saturday October 16
Saturday November 13
Introduction to Blackletter calligraphy
Saturday October 23
Copperplate Capitals Weekend
Saturdays November 20 & 27
The Creative Pro
On my last email newsletter, I mentioned that I had started The Creative Pro, a self-pased course by Jim Antonopoulos from Tank. I also mentioned that I’ll write a review based on my experience, so here it is.
This course is packed with very valuable content. I personally loved the holistic view as it takes you on a journey from understanding yourself and your values, to reflect on your relationship with money, your marketing platform and finally on how to sell creativity.
I personally struggled with understanding the difference between values and principles; discovered many new things about marketing, as I have never been much informed in this arena; and reflected a lot on the idea of being a “business of one”, instead of a freelancer, which I originally thought is the same, but this course has given me a broader perspective.
Regarding the money module, I think this is a great complimentary package to the seminar “The Dark Art of Pricing” by Jessica Hische and the book “The Barefoot Investor” by Scott Pape.
If you are a creative, and a business of one, this course can be of a great benefit. Jim is currently offering a 25% discount for the next 30 days. Get in touch if you have any questions.

Letting The Love Flow
“You have to love what you do, and you have to show it.”
Emily Cohen is a consultant to creative professionals for over 20 years providing confidential, best-practice insights and advice on staff, client, and process-management strategies, conducting client surveys and writing winning proposals, creative briefs, and contracts.
In this Creative Mornings Melbourne talk, Emily shares her career and experiences working with designers for over two decades.

Gemma O’Brien On The Urge To Find Truth In Her Ever-Evolving Lettering Art
Gemma O’Brien alongside Marta Cerdà and Jessica Hische, has been one of the big creative influences in my career. My first vector lettering piece (2013) was inspired by Gemma’s large pen and ink drawing called “Everything Together Carefully Descending” (2010).
In this recent interview, the Australian artist speaks about moving beyond commercial work into a more artistic realm as she prepares for an exhibition in the China Heights gallery this Autumn.

I Love Typography Blog Post | March 2021: Women of Letters
I found out about this interview via I Love Typography Newsletters, which I very much recommend, specially the March Edition about Women on Letters.
I admire Elaine Lopez very much, and this interview with Elizabeth Carey Smith shows in so many ways why.

Teaching Typography from Jaen
“Two years ago I could finally establish myself as a specialized typography teacher in a city in northern Andalusia: Jaén. Until then I had traveled and lived in several important places, but I never imagined that I would end up in this small Andalusian city far from almost everything.”
This type talk by Carlos Campos at Typewknd back in September 2020, made me feel close to home again.