The Best Is Yet To Come | Newsletter
I know this is a cliché, and I know I can be very wrong, but I decide to go out and look up for 2022.
I am starting this year’s newsletter sweet and short, and with something that brings me true joy: This month of January I’m teaching my first online calligraphy course in Catalan at L’Escola d’Art i Disseny de Tortosa. Funny enough, I have only taught in English and I clearly remember how nervous I was at my first class as a teacher back in 2014, as all my vocabulary was in Catalan and I had to learn new terms to explain the same concepts. Fast forward eight years later, I’m now nervous at teaching in one of my mother tongues and I had to call Carol van Waart to refresh vocabulary. If by any chance you are attending this course, be ready to hear some weird catalanglish!The second great thing that happened recently is that I gave a talk at ATYPI All Over 2021. This was a big deal to me since I attended my first edition in Barcelona in 2014. As soon as the talk is available, I’ll be sharing it with all of you! On a personal level, I’m planning a few big moves this year and I’ll tell you more about it in my next letter.
Stay safe, wear a mask, get tested and get a booster! More than ever, wishing you and your family much health, love and creativity for 2022. Happy New Year 2022! Maria xx
The Best Is Yet To Come
The Best Is Yet To Come is a collaboration with Man&Wah. It is an ode to mother nature and our intrinsic relationship with it. It is also a message of hope which I think we all need in the coming months.
Man&Wah create stunning images featuring the majestic and mysterious miracle of nature. I met Wah in 2010, a few months before leaving Brisbane and moving down to Melbourne. A few year later I met Man, and I am super proud to finally collaborate together.
This image is also a great analogy of my mission, which is sharing knowledge, helping others to grow, branch out and flourish, and create emotion through my work. Above all, I have my own story to tell.
Learning & Teaching. The Power of Learning, Accountability, Deadlines & More
In this episode of Letter Now! Podcast, Martina Flor and I talk about Learning and Teaching. The Power of Learning, Accountability and Deadlines, What Makes a Great Teacher, Filtering through the Information Clutter.
Gracias por invitarme Martina!
Intro to Copperplate Calligraphy | Online Course
This 8-hour Intro to Copperplate calligraphy courses runs in a webinar format via Zoom. I record each session and you are able to review the videos later on, and for those of you living in a different time zone.
February 2022 6, 13, 20 and 27 — 9.30am to 11.30am AEDT / UTC+11 — 4 consecutive Sundays — For beginner and intermediate students — Videos available to watch for 2 months — Materials list supplied — Personal class notes provided — Handouts sent in advance — Copperplate minuscule and capitals — No calligraphy experience required — Q&A session after each class — Personalised feedback to all students — 1 spot for a BIPOC student available — Every lesson is recorded and uploaded 3 hours after each classWork out your Time Zone Conversion here.Book your spot
You Are Not Alone | Self-Generated Work
Is the end of the year not your favourite Festive Season? You Are Not Alone! Thinking of everyone missing family and loved ones this month.
I want to share with you the beginning of my ATypI 2021 presentation for those of you who don’t know my background:
I’m originally from Barcelona and moved to Australia in 2006 with no friends, no family and very little English. My intention was learning a new language and finding a job as a graphic designer overseas.
The plan was spending two or three years in this country and then moving to NYC… Six years later I became a permanent resident, and after a decade I became an Australian citizen.
Moving to Australia was incredibly challenging and isolating in many ways, but it gave me the mental space to question who I was and what I wanted. And this marked the beginning of my introspective journey to better understand myself.
I have been on this island for 15 years now, and despite all the challenges I have faced, I still believe it is one of the best decisions I have ever made.

Charlie’s | Australiana Packaging Illustrations
Australiana botanical packaging illustrations for Charlie’s Melting Moments Variety Pack. Client: Charlie’s Fine Food & Co Art direction and packaging design: Lauren Vilitati

12 | Hand-Painted Skateboard Deck Design
Last year, I went a bit crazy and designed an additional pair of decks for our 12th Anniversary. Up to now, I have designed 12 original decks and these are the only ones which have a second hand-painted duplicate with a different colour palette. I have been thinking about what to do with these additional pair of decks for a very long time and I have finally decided to sell them. Read here the design rationale behind the design.
Copperplate Variations | Online Course
For intermediate students with prior knowledge of the Copperplate lowercase and simpler capital letters.
April 2022 3, 10, 24 & May 1 The course cover the following points:— Copperplate Capitals intermediate level
— Variations on some of the letters of the lowercase alphabet — Variations in the alphabet ratio — Variations on where to apply pressure to obtain different look and feelsAssignments:
— Write an envelope address
— Choose a title/short quote and apply as many variations as possible