The Shit Series | Part 1
The Shit Series is a personal project that kick started by my fascination with language and all the colloquial ways Aussies use the word shit.
Since its infancy back in January 2016, this series have grown through organic collaboration and using calligraphy, hand lettering, vector lettering and typography.
The inspiration behind these series is my Catalan Christmas celebrations. On Christmas Eve in Catalonia, we celebrate the “caga tió” (Christmas log that shits presents). We also feature the “caganer” (the shitter) in our Christmas nativity scene.
My Shit Series have taught me a lot of Australian slang. Check out the entire project, the inspiration behind each post and the tools I have used to create them; Good shit guaranteed!
The Shit Series | Part 1: Featuring Post 1 to Post 25

Post number #1: Shit will hit the fan
I learned about this expression from Ken Ticker during our monthly Saturday dinner meet ups at his house. Copperplate calligraphy using a William Mitchell elbow nib and golden gouache ink.

Post number #2: Rare as rocking horse shit
Post thanks to the contribution of Ken Tickner. Italic calligraphy using a Brause & Co 3mm nib and liquid watercolour ink.

Post number #3: Built like a brick shit house
Contribution from Sarah Graham while camping at The Prom (Australia) and trying to scare a wombat who showed up without an invite. Fraktur calligraphy using a Brause & Co 3mm nib and liquid watercolour ink.

Post number #4: All over it like flies on shit
Post thanks to the contribution of Viki Wright while having a few beers in Bairnsdale, VIC. Italic calligraphy using a Pilot parallel pen.

Post number #5: Just for shits and giggles
Hand lettering using a Pentel Hybrid Technica 0.3mm and tracing paper.

Post number #6: I am shitting my pants, I shit you not
This post is about my feelings after my solo exhibition. Having a project ahead with a specific deadline helped me a lot to be motivated and extremely focused. After the exhibition I felt really lost, looking around and asking myself way too many questions: “What’s next? When am I going to get paid again? Where am I going now?” I was really scared.
Now I am still fighting it and trying to find my next project to keep myself happy for the next months.
Neuland calligraphy using a bamboo pen, walnut ink and liquid watercolours.

Post number #7: Shit!
Playing with a Tombow pen for the first time. Brush calligraphy.

Post number #8: You are shitting me up the wall
Post thanks to the contribution of my studio buddy and a great photographer, Teagan Glenane.

Post number #9: You don’t know jack shit
This post is about the feeling when you think you know something but in reality you know nothing at all! A while ago I attended a “Type by Hand” workshop with Wayne Thompson and Carla Hackett. I thought I knew how to write letterforms since I tried a Tombow pen and I felt I have never held a pen before.

Post number #10: No shit Sherlock
Thanks to the contribution of Rob Tickner. Brush calligraphy using a Daiso brush and a golden touch pen.

Post number #11: Get your shit together
This post is about pushing myself forward, finding the good energy, working harder and remembering how lucky I am for doing what I love for a living.
Copperplate calligraphy using a William Mitchell elbow nib and liquid watercolour ink.

Post number #12: Honey, I know you like to think your shit don’t stink
This post is about my non-romantic approach to the commercialised St. Valentine’s Day. Neuland calligraphy using a bamboo pen, walnut ink and liquid watercolours.

Post number #13: Same old shit
This post is about going through a very tough personal time and using calligraphy to meditate and calm down. Italic calligraphy using a Brause & Co 3mm, 2mm and 1mm nibs and liquid watercolour ink.

Post number #14: Bat shit crazy
This post is about approaching the end of February and feeling like I haven’t accomplished anything yet.
Modern Carolingian calligraphy using a Brause & Co 3mm nib and liquid watercolour ink.

Post number #15: I lost my shit
This post is about dealing with personal problems and not being able to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Brush calligraphy using a Daiso brush pen.

Post number #16: You little shit stirrer
Thanks to the contribution of Teagan Glenane. Fraktur calligraphy using a Pilot parallel pen.

Post number #17: All professional and shit
Thanks to the contribution of my studio buddy and great photographer Peter Tarasiuk. Fraktur calligraphy using a Pilot parallel pen. Brush calligraphy using a Daiso brush pen.

Post number #18: Panna cotta is the shit
Thanks to the contribution of Rhianna Hobbs. Modern Carolingian calligraphy using a 3mm broad nib and liquid watercolours.

Post number #19: Holy shitballs Batman
Thanks to the contribution of Robert Tickner. Modern Carolingian calligraphy using a 3mm broad nib and liquid watercolours.

Post number #20: You do so much cool shit
One blogger says to the other while attending a private whisky event in the city. Fraktur calligraphy using a 6mm Pilot Parallel pen and liquid watercolours.

Post number #21: Shit yeah!
Thanks to the contribution of Ben Tovell. Fraktur calligraphy using a 3mm broad nib and liquid watercolours.

Post number #22: Up shit creek without a paddle
Contribution by Rebecca Olivieri. Neuland calligraphy using a bamboo pen, walnut ink and liquid watercolours.
Post number #23: Get shit done
Roman Capitals calligraphy using a 1.5mm broad nib and walnut ink.

Post number #24: That’s shit house mate
Thanks to the contribution of Teagan Glenane and Lauren Vilitati. Modern Carolingian calligraphy using a 3mm broad nib and liquid watercolours.

Post number #25: You gotta be shitting me
This post is a joke about displaying a broad nib when I am actually using a flexible pointed one to write Copperplate calligraphy. I don’t think anyone noticed on Instagram though!.