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14 | Skateboard Deck Design

In 2013 I designed a pair of decks for my partner and I sixth anniversary together.

Many moons have passed since then, and in recent years I have created a habit out of designing and hand painting custom decks for our anniversaries. Each pair of skateboards reflect the emotions and state of affairs of our relationship.

>>On>>The>>Move>> Hand-painted Custom Deck Design


In February 2022, my partner and I left temporarily the big smoke and have been experiencing regional life for the first time. It has been quite a change to say the least, but trading Ngár-go’s (Fitzroy) culture by Birpai Country’s stunning nature has been healing. Above all, living on our own for the first time in twelve years, has been the sweetest of the honeymoons.

Rob and I are currently on the move again: packing, booking travel insurance, printing international vaccination certificates, and getting hysterically excited about our next steps. The plan is open, and we don’t have a clear roadmap yet, except from landing in Barcelona on August 18th, and keep operating our businesses remotely, as we have been doing since 2020.

We are a mid-forties couple with no kids, whose been living with housemates for over 25 years each. We don’t know anyone of our age travelling life in this way, so we are learning by doing. Anyone else out there?

Happy anniversary Mr Tickner! Fourteen years ago I was looking for a travelling companion, and I couldn’t have found a better one for the job.