Goodsweet | Wordmark

Custom wordmark for Goodsweet and Goodness Group Global Pty Ltd (GGG).
The Founders behind Nexba, Troy Douglas & Drew Bilbe, have established the Group, consolidating their iconic Australian owned brand Nexba under Goodness Group Global Pty Ltd, as they realise the shared vision in building a multi-market, multi-channel, multi-category portfolio of leading ‘better-for-you’ brands that is uniquely powered by the proprietary Goodsweet® sweetener, the Intel chip inside the Nexba Brand.
Goodsweet is all natural, plant-based blend of stevia leave extract and erythritol, which is naturally produced by fermentation of starches in fruits and vegetables. It achieves a full flavour profile that mirrors the taste experience of a full sugar beverage, without the calories. Goodsweet is a proprietary blend with registered patent in Australia.
Client: Goodness Group Global Pty Ltd (GGG)
Art Director: Taylor Kotlarczyk