Neuland Calligraphy Collection
I currently run Neuland calligraphy workshops in Melbourne. These below are my ongoing calligraphic exercises.
You can watch more calligraphy videos on my Vimeo channel.

My Ethos.
Repeat after me: “No place for hate, sexism, racism, fascism, homophobia, anti-semitism”.

Never stop learning. Never, ever.
I love being a student as much as being a teacher. Being on the student’s side of the classroom makes me a better instructor. And by being an instructor, I’m constantly learning plus it has helped me to become a better student as I’m not afraid anymore about asking a million questions. Win win.

Back to School.
Neuland calligraphy using a bamboo pen, walnut ink and liquid watercolours.

The Shit Series: Stiff shit.
Neuland calligraphy using a bamboo pen, walnut ink and liquid watercolours.

Change is here whether we like it or not.
“Change is what climate scientists have been warning us about for decades” Eric Holthaus.
In the middle of the Covid-19 self-isolation period, there is no more “change is coming”. Change is right here, and is the only certainty.

Stop feeding the beast.
‘What’s the most challenging part of what you do? Dealing with the internal dialogue with myself and the pressure of having to answer all my own questions. Listening to my inner voice telling me that I won’t be able to make it, that it is too hard, or even that it is a total waste of time… Most of the times, I push through and “stop feeding the beast”, but not always.’ Artwork inspired by @elleluna interview on Design Matters with @debbiemillman three years ago.
Special thanks to @nibstermag for inviting me to be part of this very special issue surrounded by so many calligraphers, teachers and peers I very much look up to.

Stay home, save lives.
“There are striking parallels between this short-term fight against Covid-19 and the long-term fight for a stable climate” Eric Holthaus. In both, every person and every single action counts.

The Shit Series: I’m sitting my pants, I shit you not.
Neuland calligraphy using a bamboo pen and liquid watercolours.

Refuse, reuse, reduce, recycle.
Refuse plastic bags, reuse packaging, reduce waste and recycle as much as you can. I believe we can all be part of the solution.

The Shit Series: Warming the shit up.
Neuland calligraphy using a bamboo pen and liquid watercolours.

In celebration of “Earth Day” I have created this original piece called “Wake Up! Emissi∅ns down now.” See below the poster design application submitted to Mate Act Now.

Wake Up! Emissi∅ns down now
Those who will be affected the hardest are already suffering the consequences. Stop green-house gas emissions.

The Shit Series: Don’t give me more shit.
Neuland calligraphy using a bamboo pen, walnut ink and liquid watercolours.

The Shit Series: It’s so shit outside!
Neuland calligraphy using a bamboo pen and liquid watercolours.

The Shit Series: Up shit creek without a paddle.
Neuland calligraphy using a bamboo pen, walnut ink and liquid watercolours.

The Shit Series: I just ate shit.
Neuland calligraphy using a bamboo pen, walnut ink and liquid watercolours.

The Shit Series: My heart is with Catalonia.
“In a world of excess let’s switch off our phones, let’s want less, let’s blame and complain less, let’s be here and do something about what really matters. Let’s fight for our rights, let’s stand and voice our feelings, let’s scream at injustice and most of all, let’s stop waiting for governments and politicians to change something because they won’t. Let’s face the reality of the parade we live in, and change on a daily basis as much as we can by changing our eating habits, our thoughts, our talks, and our day to day relationship with life.” By @sattvasattva

The Shit Series: Dead Shit.
Neuland calligraphy using a bamboo pen and liquid watercolours.

New Calligraphy Workshop Series.
Self-promotional piece, 2017. Neuland calligraphy using a bamboo pen and liquid watercolours.

The Shit Series: Keep that shit up.
Neuland calligraphy using a bamboo pen and liquid watercolours.

Neuland became Australian.
Self-promotional piece, 2017

White Australia has a black history.
Always was, and always will be.

The Quiet Ones.
Calligraphic logotype done during my Postgraduate Course in Advanced Typography, under the tuition and direction of Keith Adams. Neuland calligraphy using a bamboo pen and liquid watercolours, Barcelona 2011.