I have recently discovered American writer Anne Lamott and she has inspired me with the quote “Perfectionism is the voice of the oppressor”, because it hits close to home.
Since the beginning of the Pandemic, I have found very difficult to generate personal work. This is a new experience, as I’m normally extremely self-driven and motivated.
I’ve reflected on it, and have had many internal dialogues with myself telling me that last year wasn’t an artist retreat that I scheduled in my calendar. It wasn’t a sabbatical to find my creative voice either. It was, and still is, a global health and financial crisis taking many lives daily. Nor my productivity, or my personal creative output are a measure of my self worth.
On the other hand, perfectionism is not new to me. It is an old toxic friend of mine often hanging around reminding me that nothing is ever enough. I push it away, Perfectionism pushes back. It is a long battle, and I’m very much working on it.
This piece brings me joy as 1) I am generating a new personal project, and 2) I’m not letting Perfectionism stand in my way to share it.