Self-paced Calligraphy Courses
Calligraphy Courses On Demand
After ten years of teaching in-person and online live calligraphy courses, this year I’m launching all my courses as self-paced learning experiences. This means, you complete my calligraphy courses in your own schedule with your own agenda + now with unlimited access… say what?!?!?!!! Check them all out here!
Click on the images to go the course homepage and book your spot!
S E L F – P A C E D C O U R S E S
Intro to Italic Calligraphy (L1) | Self-paced Course
Learn the foundations of Italic Calligraphy with this solid introductory course for total beginner and intermediate students. Book your spot.
— Level 1: No calligraphy experience required
— Guidebook + bibliography included (21 pages)
— Unlimited access
— 11h of video recordings
— Italic Calligraphy minuscules (lowercase)
— Italic Calligraphy majuscules (uppercase)
— Visual material list supplied
Intro to Foundational Hand (L1) | Self-paced Course
Learn the foundations of Italic Calligraphy with this solid introductory course for total beginner and intermediate students. Book your spot.
— Level 1: No calligraphy experience required
— Guidebook + bibliography included (27 pages)
— Unlimited access
— 11h of video recordings
— Modern Carolingian minuscules (lowercase)
— Broad-edged pen Roman Capitals (uppercase)
— Visual material list supplied
— Width variations
— Introduction to serifs
— Introduction to gradients
Intro to Copperplate (L1) | Self-paced Course
This course has been designed to offer total beginners and intermediate students a very solid foundation of Copperplate calligraphy with an on-going 12-week support in their copperplate calligraphy learning journey. Book your spot.
— Level 1: No calligraphy experience required
— Guidebook + bibliography included (11 pages)
— Unlimited access
— 16h of video recordings
— Copperplate foundational knowledge
— Copperplate lowercase (minuscules a-z)
— Copperplate capitals (A-Z)
— Visual material list supplied
— Instructions on preparing a new nib
— Instructions on paper and hand positioning
— Additional videos on types of paper, inks and nibs
— Additional videos on writing words in real time
Pump Up Your Copperplate Calligraphy (L2)
Refine, up-skill and fine tune your existing Copperplate calligraphy skills with this pre-recorded self-paced course. Full life-time access. Book your spot here.
This course has been designed to offer beginner and intermediate students with existing knowledge of Copperplate calligraphy an on-going support in their learning journey. Using an attention to detail and in-depth approach, students will solidify their knowledge as well as up-skill, refine and fine tune their Copperplate calligraphy skills.
Basically, this course is a bridge between my live online Level 1 and Level 3 Copperplate courses.
This calligraphy course features 17 modules with videos and handouts to support you and your Copperplate calligraphy journey. I strongly recommend studying 1 hands-on lesson per week —from Module 4 to Module 16. In this way, you’ll focus on a specific topic for 7 days, making this course an on-going learning support!
My teaching style is a mix of my professional practices which are calligraphy, lettering, typography and type design. I analyse in depth key characters of the lower and uppercase alphabet (minuscules and majuscules) to give you additional insights on the relationship between letters, and to offer a better understanding of the structure of a script (connected) alphabet.
This course covers the following modules:
— Module 01: Welcome to my course!
— Module 02: Materials + additional resources
— Module 03: Left hander set up
— Module 04: “b” variations
— Module 05: “p” variations
— Module 06: “f” and double “ff” + finger movement vs. hand and arm movement
— Module 07: “r” variations + double “rr”
— Module 08: “s” variations + double “ss”
— Module 09: “x” variations
— Module 10: Letter connections
— Module 11: “I, B, R, P, F, T” variations
— Module 12: “Y, Z” longer capitals
— Module 13: Low vs. high contrast. Condensed vs. Extended
— Module 14: Word spacing + line spacing
— Module 15: Writing Copperplate in real time
— Module 16: Creating a title
— Module 17: Maria Montes portfolio of work
— 17 hands-on lessons offering you an on-going support for 3 months.
— In-depth explanations and demos of key characters of the alphabet
— Left-handed set up options
— Variations on lowercase & uppercase letters
— Challenging letter connections
— Word and line spacing instruction
— Additional videos on types of paper, inks and nibs
— Additional video on how to prepare a new nib, hand and paper positioning
Copperplate Variations (L3)
For intermediate students with existing knwoledge of Copperplate foundational lowercase and simpler capitals letters. Book your spot here.
— Level 3: Level 1 experience required
— Guidebook + bibliography included (27 pages)
— Unlimited access
— Copperplate capitals intermediate level
— Variations on the alphabet ascenders
— Variations on the alphabet descenders
— Variations on the alphabet ratio
— Ductus variations
— Introduction to ligatures
— Introduction to numbers
— Shading hierarchy
— Defining swashes versus flourishes
— Introduction to swashes
— Finger movement vs. wrist movement vs. arm movement
— Variations on where to apply pressure to obtain different look and feels
— Designing a title and incorporating swashes to create a fully customised outcome.

Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need previous experience in calligraphy?
My Level 1 Courses are designed for total beginner and intermediate students, so you don’t need any experience at all!
My Level 2 course is designed yo support students who have already learnt the foundations of Copperplate calligraphy and are looking for an on-going support to elevate their calligraphy, as well as consolidating their existing knowledge.
I you have never been introduced to Copperplate calligraphy, I strongly encourage you to join my Level 1 Intro to Copperplate Calligraphy for setting a solid foundations of this alphabet style.
Are these a a 12-week courses? Does that mean after 12 weeks we lose access to the course?
Or we retain lifetime access but the support ceases?
You have a life-time access to these courses. Twelve weeks is my only recommendation, as it will will be very beneficial if you focus on one practical module per week. In the end, it is totally up to you how you do the course.
I would like to know if you give us any personal feedback if we send some of our practice to you?
Yes, if you send me your homework by email, I’ll review it and give you feedback.
About Your Instructor
Maria Montes is an independent calligrapher, lettering designer and illustrator specialised in branding assets and calligraphy education. Originally from Barcelona, she moved to Australia in 2006.
Her multidisciplinary practice expands across brand identity, packaging illustration, custom lettering, calligraphy, fashion, art and culture. She has been teaching calligraphy independently since 2014 including: Copperplate, Italic, Blackletter, Carolingian, Neuland, skeleton Roman Capitals and Brush lettering.
Maria studied a Postgraduate Course in Advanced Typography in Barcelona and a Condensed Program in Typeface Design at Type@Cooper in NYC. In 2018 she released her first independent display chromatic font family called Green Fairy.
Corporate Workshops, Engagements & Mentorship Programs
I have done many corporate calligraphy workshops/engagements since 2014. Some of my clients are listed below:
The Design Conference Brisbane
Melbourne Columba College
Rippon Lea House and Gardens
Typism Conference
Carnegie Library
Moose Toys
Shillington College
Billy Blue College
Como House
Labassa Mansion
University of Melbourne
Griffith University
University of Sunshine Coast
Hume Library
Yarra Council
Intentional Digital Agency
L’Escola D’Art i Disseny de Tortosa
Practica Program
My workshops are hands-on classes where the participants learn by doing; I supply all materials needed for the workshop including exemplars, guidelines, paper, ink, brushes, calligraphy pens, paper roll and a live demo for the entire workshop.
Get in touch to book a workshop, a private tuition, a calligraphy course or an engagement at your organisation, I’d love to hear from you!
Not Ready Yet? Keep In Touch
If you cannot make it this time but would like to be notified with upcoming educational services, please follow the link below to subscribe to my mailing list. Expect to hear from me six times a year. Join me here!